We believe that offering residents the opportunity to become involved and challenge the way we provide services is paramount to the future success of the Association.
At Bro Myrddin we are passionate about involving residents in our work so that together we can provide excellent services the Association has also put together a Resident Participation Strategy that shows the commitment that will be made in the coming years to ensure that resident involvement is at the forefront of the work of the Association.
We have developed a range of methods for you to get involved:
Resident Forum
The Forum meets bi-monthly, with meetings held at Bro Myrddin offices. A wide range of issues are looked at and feedback used to shape services.
Scrutiny Panel
A panel of residents meet monthly to scrutinise services and provide recommendations to improve services.
Estate Monitors
Residents can play an important role in monitoring grounds maintenance and providing regular feedback about the standards on estates.
Mystery Shopping
Each year we involve a team of residents to provide feedback on how well we deliver front line services over the phone and in the office.
Annual Review
Each year we review the approach we take towards involving residents and the impact it has had. The review looks at what we have achieved and what is important in the coming year.
We provide training where needed and full support from staff in helping residents getting involved. Reasonable travel expenses and refreshments are provided.
Get in touch
If you would like to find out more, please speak to your Housing Officer or telephone Customer Services on 01267 232714 or email [email protected] to discuss your needs in more details
If you would like to speak to a member of the Resident Forum, this can be arranged and they will be able to tell you about all the of the benefits of becoming a member.