Bro Myrddin’s Financial Inclusion Officer Louise, offers free and confidential advice to our residents on all matters relating to money, rent payments and welfare benefits.
Louise has a wealth of knowledge in helping people budget, reduce their outgoings and access the correct welfare benefits to help maximise income.
If you are a Bro Myrddin resident and would like advice or assistance with your finances please contact us today on 01267 232 714 or via email on [email protected] so that an appointment can be made to speak with Louise.
Alternatively, pop along to our drop in surgery at the office every Tuesday between 9am and 12.30noon to speak with Louise in confidence about any financial issues you may be experiencing.
(Please note that our office is currently closed due to guidelines introduced by the government in response to COVID-19 however Louise is still available to speak to over the phone).
Are you experiencing financial difficulties as a direct result of COVID-19?
If you have been Furloughed by your employer Louise can check if you are entitled to an income top up due to the reduction in wages, access Universal Credit to complete an entitlement calculation and apply to defer your Council Tax payments until June 2020. All of these options can help to reduce the financial pressure on you and your family at this difficult time.
Are you SELF EMPLOYED and cannot work due to coronavirus? This is a really tough time for you. Do you understand the Governments Self Employed Support Scheme? Louise can explain the details and advise you of your benefit options if you cannot afford to wait until June 2020 to receive financial support. Self-employed people are also entitled to apply to defer their Council Tax payments. Louise can help make that application for you.
If your finances have been affected as a direct result of COVID-19 then contact us today on 01267 232 714 so that an appointment can be made for you to discuss this in further detail with Louise.
To date Louise has provided financial support and advice to 152 residents whose finances have been affected as a direct result COVID-19.
We know these are uncertain times and that many things have changed. There is a lot of information and support available to help you, but it can be difficult to know where to find it. We have created a ‘COVID 19 – Handy guide to benefits and money’ to help direct you to the variety of support available. A copy of this guide can be found here.